Castle Rock Police Department

Educational Resources

When to call 911

Dial 911 in any "EMERGENCY".  An emergency is any serious situation where a police officer, fire fighter, or emergency medical help is needed right away.  If you are calling from a PBX or CENTREX telephone system it may be necessary to dial 9-911 (dialing 9 to get an outside line).

Dial 911 for EMERGENCIES such as:

  • crimes in progress.

  • poisoning.

  • drowning.

  • stabbing.

  • choking.

  • unconsciousness.

  • life threatening situations.

  • shooting or display of weapons.

  • fires.

  • motor vehicle accidents or major traffic and street obstructions.

  • injuries requiring emergency medical attention.

  • hazardous chemical spills.

  • fire alarms, smoke detectors or carbon monoxide alarms that are sounding.

  • sparking electrical hazards.

  • smoke in a building.

  • ...or any other emergency.

We Hope You Never Need 911, But If You Do:

Questions the dispatcher may ask you:

  • What is your emergency?

  • What is the location of the emergency? (address, street name, house/apartment number)

  • When did this happen?

  • What is your name?

  • What is the phone number you are calling from?

  • How many patients?

  • What is on fire?

  • Do you need a law enforcement officer?

  • Is the patient conscious?

  • Can you get out of the house?

  • Are you in immediate danger?

  • Is the patient breathing? Normally?

  • Are there any other problems with the patient?

  • Suspect description?

  • Vehicle description?

  • License number?

  • Suspect's direction of travel?

  • Did you see any weapons?

  • How many suspects?

It is important to remember that these questions are not delaying the emergency response!  Help is being sent even while you are talking to us.  In order for us to help you, you must help us obtain all the necessary information to process the call.  From this point the dispatcher may ask a series of questions directed to the status of the patient and offer medical intervention as to how you as the caller can aid the patient.  Always attempt to be as calm as possible, you are an important part of providing help to those in need.


This information was aquired from the Cowlitz County Communications Website. Visit them for more information


©2007 Castle Rock Police Department