Castle Rock Police Department

Educational Resources

How to Keep Burglars Out

  1. Garages should be as secure as any other area of the house because:
  2. House Number should be clearly displayed front and back.
  3. Exterior lights (front and back) and over garage are recommended. Interior-timed lighting devices should be utilized when not at home.
  4. Basement Windows are often overlooked by homeowners, basement windows should be secured to prevent forcing. Window locks should not be vulnerable if the glass is broken. Screening materials can be used effectively on these window wells or on window framing.
  5. Doors Solid core wood doors with rugged frames that cannot spread apart with a pry bar are recommended.
  6. Door Locks Quality dead bolt locks having a minimum 1-inch throw are recommended. These should be mounted so one cannot open the door after breaking a window. Mounting the lock low on the door can some- times eliminate this problem. In other cases, a double cylinder lock will solve the problem.
  7. Shrubs should be kept low enough so as not to block possible points of entry or to conceal a potential attacker.
  8. Glass Windows are the most vulnerable to attack. Fortunately, many burglars are reluctant to break windows because of noise and because windows are often visible from the street or from neighboring dwellings. Windows hidden from view must be most securely protected!

Burglary Prevention Checklist for Homes
This checklist is designed to help you make a security check of your own home. The purpose of a home security inspection is to identify features in your home or daily routines of your family which might make your home an easy target for a burglar. The security inspection should begin at your front door, include an inspection of all your doors and windows, locks, lights and landscaping.
