Concealed Weapons Permits:
Please remember that by possessing a handgun there is always the possibility of firearm accidents. We suggest every member of your household be trained in firearm safety. Gunlocks are recommended.
Read about fees and other information on the Department of Licensing website at
Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Information
You may apply if:
You are 21 years of age or older.
You must live within the limits of Castle Rock.
You have never been convicted of a felony in this state or elsewhere.* You have never been convicted of any of the following crimes when committed by one family or household member against another on or after July 1, 1993:
Assault IV
Reckless Endangerment 2
Criminal Trespass 1
Violation of the provisions of a protection order or no-contact order restraining the person or excluding the person from the residence.
*See application for additional disqualifiers
How to apply for a CPL
You must be 21 years of age or older. You must apply in person and complete the application. A non-refundable fee must be paid when you submit your application. You will need to present a valid Washington State Driver's License or State ID card. Fingerprints will be taken for the State and FBI background check. The application will be processed as soon as possible. Please be patient. If you are ineligible for a concealed pistol license, you will be advised in writing as soon as possible. The license will be valid for 5 years from the date of issue. The license is valid in the State of Washington. Other states have their own gun laws. If you plan to travel with a firearm, we suggest you check with the laws in the state you are planning to visit.
In the State of Washington, most firearm laws are found in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Chapter 9.41.
There are additional firearm restrictions in the State of Washington. For example, airports, where the Federal Aviation Administration prohibits carrying firearms in certain areas, on or about a person or accessible property such as carry on luggage. No private citizen, even with a valid CPL is exempt from this restriction.
You may not carry a firearm into Canada. Firearms may not be carried by private individuals in restricted areas of the jail, jury rooms, judges chambers, public mental health facilities and school facilities. No firearms are allowed in bars or cocktail lounges.
Carrying Handguns:
State law requires you to have a valid concealed pistol license before you carry a handgun concealed on your person. The law does provide a number of exceptions including RCW 9.41.060 and 9.41.050. Persons within their home, their fixed place of business, members of gun collecting or shooting clubs going to and from their gun shows or places of target practice are exempt. There are exceptions for persons on hunting, fishing or camping trips and persons carrying pistols unloaded and in secure wrappers.
Although state and local laws are similar, federal law and state law on possession of firearms differ. If you are prohibited by federal law from possession of a firearm, you may be prosecuted in federal court. A state license is not a defense to a federal prosecution. Federal law additionally prohibits the receiving of a firearm by persons who are unlawful users of, or addicted to, narcotics or other controlled substances; persons of unsound mind, adjudicated mentally defective, or who have been committed to a mental institution. Federal law also prohibits persons receiving firearms who have been dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces, aliens illegally or unlawfully in the U.S., or anyone convicted of, or under indictment for a felony crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year to the extent the law of the state of convictions bars possession of a firearm. Local laws and ordinances on firearms are pre-empted by state laws and be consistent with state law.
For Concealed Pistol License purposes the Castle Rock Police Department Records Division will check State, FBI, Department of Licensing, DSHS and local criminal history files before issuing a license.
It is to your advantage to read this brochure carefully, as we cannot refund any portion of your fee once we accept your application.
**If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must first obtain an Alien Firearm License from the Department of Licensing
You must have a license to carry or place a loaded pistol in a vehicle.
PISTOLS: Must be on licensee's person or the licensee must be in the vehicle at all times that the pistol is there. If the licensee is away from the vehicle the pistol must be locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle. RCW 9.41.050
SHOTGUNS OR RIFLES: Must be unloaded in motor vehicles, meaning no shells or cartridges in the chamber or magazine. RCW 77.16.460
Applications for Concealed Pistol Licenses will be accepted Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Please remember that by possessing a handgun there is always the possibility of firearm accidents. We suggest every member of your household be trained in firearm safety. Gunlocks are recommended.